Chulo Creative - Creative Production & Illustration Agency

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Casula Mall collaborates with artist Nico to create stunning rebrand.

Casula Mall approached Chulo Creative wanting to pay homage to the multicultural area of Casula and welcome the community into there space with artworks that celebrate the demographic.

The brief used kaleidoscope imagery as a metaphor for the meting pot of cultures in the area. We knew Nico would be the perfect artist for the job with his crafted style of bold popping colours.

Timelapse of some of the artworks being installed at Casula Mall Shopping Centre with mural artist and designer Nico.

“I have played with the idea of the “Kaleidoscope of cultures” phrase from their style guide and tried to make a really diverse tapestry-like pattern that feels a bit earthy. 

Its very abstract, but the design has some shapes that are representative of eating and drinking, fruits and bottles etc. which are representative of the “sensual experiences” to be enjoyed together in abundance at the centre as well as plants and houses in different patterns that symbolise the diverse community made up of many different cultures, all growing and living together and together forming a vibrant, interesting and beautiful tapestry. 

I have used their corporate colour palette, but just used some lighter tints of their colours, as the actual full strength colours would create a bit of a heavy and dark vibe. Ive opted for the outline in their main corporate colour as. I think it needs to feel on-brand and fresh, warm and welcoming.” - nico