Prateek's new artworks makes us McHappy

Recently we had the pleasure of being apart of McHappy Day. Chulo Creative artist and all round legend Prateek smashed out some sweet little animations that you might have seen on your social feed.

We have a little chat to him about his happy process.

What was your favourite part about doing these illustrations/animations?

The modelling of the illustrations was definitely my favourite part of the process, because it was both challenging and exciting at the same time. It was exciting to see the shapes transform from basic shapes to the refined models over time.


Can you tell us a little about your process when it comes to creating them?

The process for these illustrations started by creating a rough 3D frame, that was the closest to the image description provided in the brief. Once the basic skeleton was in place, I worked on detailing the sets with objects and other elements. Finally, the colouring and texturing was done, using both 3D materials and photo manipulation techniques. Lastly, the finishing touches and colour correction for the scene were done on photoshop, which were then animated using stop motion.