Gina Kiel for Sea Walls - Tairāwhiti

Gina Kiel talks about her epic mural for Sea Walls

“The wave forming in stages internally through the deconstructed parts of the Sea lion represents the sea as the emotion of nature that is currently trying to communicate to us the effects of our destructive actions. Sea lion population numbers have halved and could halve and halve again until extinction within the years of my generation. We have the opportunity to collectively rise with this tide into a new state of awareness where we can live in harmony with nature and all her beings.

After I had sketched up the Sea Lion I discovered a leaking water pipe unintentionally positioned in the heart/shoulder of the Seal, I felt like it was significant so I painted a blue heart around it. We are all made of water.” Gina Kiel

Special thanks to project partners Eastland Community Trust, JN Williams memorial trust, @gisbornedc@resenecolour, Tairawhiti Environment Centre, Walter Findlay LTD, and to our sponsors 






Martins Hiremaster, Hirepool Gisborne and Evolution Wireless.

Photos by



Portrait and in-camera double exposure by @emilyrafteryphotography

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gina kiel chulo creative
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