Here at Chulo we wanted to showcase the creatives with a Q&A to dive a little deeper into the Artists inner workings - today we spotlight newest member, Cátia Martins.

Tell us a bit about what keeps your creative juices flowing, do you search for inspiration or does it come naturally? 

It depends, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have to sketch an idea I just saw in my mind before it vanishes, other times if feels like I don't know what I'm doing and so I just go out for a walk and observe people and situations around me, or just spend hours sketching nonsense until something good shows up. I try not to stress out when I don't have good ideas, it will eventually come back to me!

What's been your favourite project to date and why? 

I am currently working on my first graphic novel, E-cells, and it has been my favourite project by far because I've had the ideas for this project in my had ever since I was a kid and in a way I just want to make my inner child proud. Sounds cheesy, but it's true!

Tell us a bit about your process, do you start off searching for reference and sketching? 

I only have references for anatomy/poses, it usually starts with an image of a character in my head and then me trying the best way to bring it to life. I draw on my sketchbook, then proceed to do the linework on an A3 paper sheet, color it with my home made watercolors and also color it digitally. I like having original sketches and watercolor pieces, digital art can feel a little empty on its own, for me of course, that's just my personal opinion.

What made you want to pursue a career in the arts and do you have any tips for up and coming artists looking to do the same. 

I didn't want to pursue a career in arts, it just happened. I've been drawing my whole life, and suddenly people were asking me if I sold merchandise with my work on it, I was very young when this happened and still in school, so I started making money from my work even before I graduated, and it just kept going from there. It's a wonderful life but the downside is that you never know if it is going to last, one day you could book a huge commission, the other day you find yourself with no clients and no costumers, and I sure had phases in which I struggled a little, it's risky, but I would be doing exactly this even if I made no money from it, I'd just find some kind of job to cover my needs and keep doing it no matter what. So my advice is, keep doing it because you really want to, don't let the lack of success make you give up, and on the other hand, if you are having a very successful phase in your career, don't take it for granted and be open to always improve, don't get caught up in the "I'm a great professional artist" narrative because it will keep you from evolving, there is always something to learn in this life path, you will never know enough or be so great there is nothing to improve. 

Check out CÁTIA MARTINS latest work here. For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives Artist stable click through here , also get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning an artist for your next campaign.

Get to know the artist - Nico Nicoson

Here at Chulo we wanted to showcase the creatives with a Q&A to dive a little deeper into the Artists inner workings - today we spotlight mural artist, illustrator and designer Nico Nicoson.

Tell us a bit about what keeps your creative juices flowing, do you search for inspiration or does it come naturally?

 I seem to find that the more I create the more I am inspired, so for me maintaining a bit of creative discipline helps to make sure I keep things moving and keep ideas coming in. I love looking at all kinds of books and blogs for inspo, but also find getting out of the studio and going for a walk can be a great way to ward off creative block! 

What's been your favourite project to date and why?

Being commissioned to create an official artwork for Campari was definitely a career highlight for me. Ever since I was a child I've loved Campari's bold posters and to have the opportunity to be involved in continuing that tradition was wild!

Tell us a bit about your process, do you start off searching for reference and sketching?

I generally always try and start any project with analogue sketches on paper. For me starting the work in a digital space seems to stifle my creativity. I think theres something about putting pen or pencil to paper that activates my mind. My creative process involves a lot of looking. I try to step away from the work during the process and return to analyse it with fresh eyes as much as possible. 

What made you want to pursue a career in the arts and do you have any tips for up and coming artists looking to do the same.

I never made any kind of conscious decision to pursue a career in the arts to be honest. I just always did what I enjoyed, and that led me to where I am. I would encourage up and coming artists to just focus on making the work that they like and developing that. I believe the rest is up to the universe!

Check out NICO’s latest work here. For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives Artist stable click through here. Get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning a mural artist.

Come and say G'day

It was an honour to be a part in helping create the new campaign for Tourism Australia, Come and say G'day, inviting international travellers to plan and book an unforgettable Australian holiday.

Featuring the unlikely adventures of Ruby the souvenir kangaroo (voice by Rose Byrne), and her new best mate Louie the toy unicorn (voice by Will Arnett).

Check out M&C Saatchi Group new film for Tourism Australia with some of the following teams bringing to life Ruby and Louie's amazing journey - Director Michael Gracey of The Greatest Showman and film company Finch Company, along with The Editors, Platige Image and King Stingray.

Full video here ⬇️

G’day, the short film (2022) | Official Film | Tourism Australia

Check out more work from our storyboard artists.

Get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning a storyboard artist for your next campaign.

Drives him crazy...In a bad way. 

Borja is a fine artist based in Madrid Spain. We have been lucky enough to catch up with Borja on one of his latest paintings. Have a read below to find out what inspired this work.

chulo borja

This painting started as a critic to all kind of "clichés" in the art world.  Probably all around the globe but mainly in the spanish art world.  The words you can see at the bottom of her t-shirt are "Escribe como si no supieses coger el lápiz, artista" which translated should mean something like "Write as if you don´t know how to handle a pencil, you artist" or something like that.  And the word "artista" is crossed with a blue line.  The thing is that writing as Basquiat did in his paintings these days is obviously a fake decorative element that drives me crazy.  In a bad way.  Fake art to try to impress people and sell a painting... and the problem is that you see that not only on people who are starting but also in "great" artists who are supposed to have quite a good background.  Anyway... that´s all... the idea behind the painting.  That´s why I also did this painting in a style kind of different to my works:  Using a big bloke of colour, almost abstract next to a realistic figure, as those "artists" probably would think "is cool". Borja