Here at Chulo we wanted to showcase the creatives with a Q&A to dive a little deeper into the Artists inner workings - today we spotlight artist LIDIA TOMASHEVSKAYA.

Tell us a bit about what keeps your creative juices flowing, do you search for inspiration or does it come naturally?

I think mostly lyrics of my favorite songs, nature, fashion trends, social media, patterns, works of other people, traveling

What's been your favourite project to date and why?

The Illustration that I've created for Yo Yo Ma's Bach Project in Prague, because Prague is one of my favourite places and it was a great experience to illustrate my feelings and impression of this amazing city  also I am a huge fan of Yo Yo Ma's music

Tell us a bit about your process, do you start off searching for reference and sketching?

After receiving the brief I am creating board with references on pinterest, than I am sketching till something looks like a good starting point to me, than I am making general work in illustration and finalizing everything in procreate adding the textures

What made you want to pursue a career in the arts and do you have any tips for up and coming artists looking to do the same.

It feels like I have no choice, I always loved drawing. It was my greatest hobby, I did it while studying, on the lectures in university where I've studied teaching, at my meetings before shifts in Zara and at my job as a waitress, My advice is to draw and to dream:)

Check out Lidia Tomashevskaya’s latest work here. For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives Artist stable click through here , also get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning an artist for your next campaign.

Drives him crazy...In a bad way. 

Borja is a fine artist based in Madrid Spain. We have been lucky enough to catch up with Borja on one of his latest paintings. Have a read below to find out what inspired this work.

chulo borja

This painting started as a critic to all kind of "clichés" in the art world.  Probably all around the globe but mainly in the spanish art world.  The words you can see at the bottom of her t-shirt are "Escribe como si no supieses coger el lápiz, artista" which translated should mean something like "Write as if you don´t know how to handle a pencil, you artist" or something like that.  And the word "artista" is crossed with a blue line.  The thing is that writing as Basquiat did in his paintings these days is obviously a fake decorative element that drives me crazy.  In a bad way.  Fake art to try to impress people and sell a painting... and the problem is that you see that not only on people who are starting but also in "great" artists who are supposed to have quite a good background.  Anyway... that´s all... the idea behind the painting.  That´s why I also did this painting in a style kind of different to my works:  Using a big bloke of colour, almost abstract next to a realistic figure, as those "artists" probably would think "is cool". Borja