Here at Chulo we wanted to showcase the creatives with a Q&A to dive a little deeper into the Artists inner workings - today we spotlight artist LIDIA TOMASHEVSKAYA.

Tell us a bit about what keeps your creative juices flowing, do you search for inspiration or does it come naturally?

I think mostly lyrics of my favorite songs, nature, fashion trends, social media, patterns, works of other people, traveling

What's been your favourite project to date and why?

The Illustration that I've created for Yo Yo Ma's Bach Project in Prague, because Prague is one of my favourite places and it was a great experience to illustrate my feelings and impression of this amazing city  also I am a huge fan of Yo Yo Ma's music

Tell us a bit about your process, do you start off searching for reference and sketching?

After receiving the brief I am creating board with references on pinterest, than I am sketching till something looks like a good starting point to me, than I am making general work in illustration and finalizing everything in procreate adding the textures

What made you want to pursue a career in the arts and do you have any tips for up and coming artists looking to do the same.

It feels like I have no choice, I always loved drawing. It was my greatest hobby, I did it while studying, on the lectures in university where I've studied teaching, at my meetings before shifts in Zara and at my job as a waitress, My advice is to draw and to dream:)

Check out Lidia Tomashevskaya’s latest work here. For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives Artist stable click through here , also get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning an artist for your next campaign.


Here at Chulo we wanted to showcase the creatives with a Q&A to dive a little deeper into the Artists inner workings - today we spotlight newest member, KENTARO YOSHIDA.

Tell us a bit about what keeps your creative juices flowing, do you search for inspiration or does it come naturally?

I do observations and keep collecting photos of what I like or things that catch my eyes in my dairy life. I often mix these references with my memory and experience. 

What's been your favourite project to date and why?

My recent favourite project was collaboration with Tooheys New last year. As a beer lover, it was an honour to work with national beer brand like Toohey New.

Tell us a bit about your process, do you start off searching for reference and sketching?

Depends on the project, but I do take some time for researching topics & motifs if they are given. Otherwise always stuff starts from super rough sketches on paper.

What made you want to pursue a career in the arts and do you have any tips for up and coming artist looking to do the same.

I simply love drawing since I was a kid so I would like to keep on going what I love to do for now.

I don’t have much to say to young artists but hope they keep drawing / making stuff everyday as that’s how I have made myself as full time artist.

Check out Kentaro Yoshida’s latest work here. For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives Artist stable click through here , also get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning an artist for your next campaign.

St John Ambulances newest team member

We were asked to find the perfect artist to create a selection of illustrations of our native Australian Wombat for the good guys at St John Ambulance, for their junior ambos booklet.

The final images were nothing short of being adorably perfect.

If you are interested in commissioning an artist for your next campaign - we’ve got you covered. Get in touch!

For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives Artist stable click through here.


Here at Chulo we wanted to showcase the creatives with a Q&A to dive a little deeper into the Artists inner workings - today we spotlight artist Mike Delmar.

Tell us a bit about what keeps your creative juices flowing, do you search for inspiration or does it come naturally?

Inspiration is a massive blessing when it hits. Sometimes it hits like a log and you can’t think of anything else except the things it inspires. Sometimes it’s sneaky and when you’re stuck on an idea for days, you wake up with a screaming lightbulb above your head demanding you do something about it. And sometimes it comes and goes only to be forever forgotten. I keep a log of the things I plan, which is pretty hilarious to read back: random keys words I’m sure meant something profound at the time; juvenile musings; grandiose concepts beyond my capabilities. But I’m sure bits and pieces of them all eventually end up on a page somewhere somehow.

What's been your favourite project to date and why?

I love print works. I always romanticise my days working for the Roundhouse more than 15 years ago (god that makes me feel like a dinosaur). Band posters, party posters, wall art. Total freedom to stick anything on a poster and print a whole suite of merchandise for it. That said, I never was very good at cataloguing my work back then, so I’m sure most of it aint as cool as I remember it to be.

Tell us a bit about your process, do you start off searching for reference and sketching?

I can be pretty arrogant and do a lot of stuff from memory, or my imagination, but it always pays to reference. You can only really get to the essence of an image by understanding the subject matter to the best of your ability. Thumbnail sketches, layouts, grid work, drafts. They all contribute to the final product in a way that improves it somehow. Warm ups are also huge. I’m lucky I work in a role where I spend a lot of time concepting, and doing fast impressions of ideas, so I get to flex those muscles regularly. You gotta pay your dues with those things. 

What made you want to pursue a career in the arts and do you have any tips for up and coming artists looking to do the same.

I’ve never been much of a wise man. Never been very good at strategy or logistics. I dream a lot and spend a lot of my time trying in vain to get to the essence of banal and theoretical questions. I get lost in history and pop culture and pretend I’m an anthropologist. It’s sort of pathological in a way, but growing up I always knew I needed to channel it somehow, it was just plain sight for me. When I grew up and thought I should get serious about life I deviated from the path and tried law. I just felt empty not creating. I had this niggling voice calling me back to image making. Being where I am now, doing what I’m doing, just feels right. If I had any advice for up and coming artists, or anyone for that matter, it’d be listen to that voice. Its worth it. All that shit people say about not doing what you love is exactly that: bullshit. 

But maybe I’m an idealist.

Check out Mike Delmar’s latest work here. For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives Artist stable click through here , also get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning an artist for your next campaign.


Here at Chulo we wanted to showcase the creatives with a Q&A to dive a little deeper into the Artists inner workings - today we spotlight newest member, Cátia Martins.

Tell us a bit about what keeps your creative juices flowing, do you search for inspiration or does it come naturally? 

It depends, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have to sketch an idea I just saw in my mind before it vanishes, other times if feels like I don't know what I'm doing and so I just go out for a walk and observe people and situations around me, or just spend hours sketching nonsense until something good shows up. I try not to stress out when I don't have good ideas, it will eventually come back to me!

What's been your favourite project to date and why? 

I am currently working on my first graphic novel, E-cells, and it has been my favourite project by far because I've had the ideas for this project in my had ever since I was a kid and in a way I just want to make my inner child proud. Sounds cheesy, but it's true!

Tell us a bit about your process, do you start off searching for reference and sketching? 

I only have references for anatomy/poses, it usually starts with an image of a character in my head and then me trying the best way to bring it to life. I draw on my sketchbook, then proceed to do the linework on an A3 paper sheet, color it with my home made watercolors and also color it digitally. I like having original sketches and watercolor pieces, digital art can feel a little empty on its own, for me of course, that's just my personal opinion.

What made you want to pursue a career in the arts and do you have any tips for up and coming artists looking to do the same. 

I didn't want to pursue a career in arts, it just happened. I've been drawing my whole life, and suddenly people were asking me if I sold merchandise with my work on it, I was very young when this happened and still in school, so I started making money from my work even before I graduated, and it just kept going from there. It's a wonderful life but the downside is that you never know if it is going to last, one day you could book a huge commission, the other day you find yourself with no clients and no costumers, and I sure had phases in which I struggled a little, it's risky, but I would be doing exactly this even if I made no money from it, I'd just find some kind of job to cover my needs and keep doing it no matter what. So my advice is, keep doing it because you really want to, don't let the lack of success make you give up, and on the other hand, if you are having a very successful phase in your career, don't take it for granted and be open to always improve, don't get caught up in the "I'm a great professional artist" narrative because it will keep you from evolving, there is always something to learn in this life path, you will never know enough or be so great there is nothing to improve. 

Check out CÁTIA MARTINS latest work here. For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives Artist stable click through here , also get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning an artist for your next campaign.


Here at Chulo we wanted to showcase the creatives with a Q&A to dive a little deeper into the Artists inner workings - today we spotlight artist ETTOJA.

Tell us a bit about what keeps your creative juices flowing, do you search for inspiration or does it come naturally?

I have several primal inspiration sources, which can vary from time to time, but they follow me through the life: city environment (people, cars, city animals, architecture, life in the city, cultures or lack of culture ), nature ( abstract part of it like the decay or growth, reborn) and the last one is time. The time frightens me and inspires to move forward. To picture it through the static illustartions I'm trying to make them move, creating gifs/ short animations. When painting murals, I am experimenting with the technique which I call "giffiti". Sometimes I use it in editorial illustrations too. Visually it could look as a pattern, or repetitive character, thus creating a feeling of motion, as futurists like Giacomo Balla used to do.

What's been your favourite project to date and why?

My favourite project is always the next one :) But if I need to choose one, it'd be a series of animated trolleybuses from 2019. These were the real trolleybuses, which rode in the city. I've painted 6 of them, portraying some retro design products. This was the project where all my favourite elements met: surface design, muralism/streetart, my love for the industrial design objects, and giffiti. I've painted 12 frames on each of the trolleybuses. Anyone could photograph them and see a little animated story.

Tell us a bit about your process, do you start off searching for reference and sketching?

At the beginning I'm trying to visualize the idea. If I don't visualise it in a second after I've heard the task, most likely I'll get the image while I'm trying to fall asleep, or walking in the city. Then I'll get back to the paper/tablet, try to sketch it just to realise it's completely different from the one I've imagived:) And the rest of the process is basically trying to get the art to look as close as the initial idea.

What made you want to pursue a career in the arts and do you have any tips for up and coming artists looking to do the same.

Art lets solve tasks independently and understand a little bit about society, world, myself.

For a tiny second it helps to feel the existence. 

Dive into yourself, remember what you liked to do when you were a kid, the themes you liked, adapt it and make it work for your now-self. A tip - to be consistent. 

Check out ETTOJA latest work here. For more portfolios from Chulo Creatives mural Artist stable click through here , also get in touch with Chulo Creative if you are interested in commissioning an artist for your next campaign.